Food Production

Does Precision Livestock Farming Improve Animal Welfare?

List of Precision Livestock Farming Technologies

Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) try to integrate cutting-edge technologies to improve livestock management.  This approach employs sensor technologies and data analytics to gather and analyze a wide range of data, from animal movement and physiological indicators to environmental conditions.  Central…

Cattle Farming: The Life of a Cow

Cattle Farming - Dairy Calves

Cattle farming is critical in providing essential products like meat and milk, significantly impacting economies and livelihoods.  However, this industry faces challenges, particularly regarding sustainability and animal welfare. As consumer awareness grows, the focus shifts to sustainable practices that can mitigate…

How to Handle Cattle: Safeguarding Animals and People!

How to handle cattle safely - Renzo Di Florio Picture

The farming industry faces increasing scrutiny over its practices, particularly concerning animal welfare. The alignment of industry practices with public perception towards animal treatment has become critical.  A lack of knowledge on how to handle cattle can profoundly impact both farm…

Cow Milking Machines: How do they Work?

Cow milking machines

For thousands of years, farmers milked their cows by hand, a labour-intensive task that required skill, patience, and a deep understanding of the animals.  The advent of the Industrial Revolution brought about the first significant shift in this practice. In…

What Is Grass-Fed Beef: Facts According to Science

Grass-Fed Beef

In recent years, the term grass-fed beef has gained attention, signaling a shift in consumer consciousness about our food sources.  But what does this term mean, and why should we care?  This article explores the nuances of grass-fed systems compared to conventional…

Animal Farming: Husbandry, Welfare, and Health

Animals Farming - The Five freedom of Animal Welfare

Animal farming has a long history, stretching back to approximately 10,000 years ago when people began domesticating animals. These early farmers recognized the value of animals as sources of meat, milk, and hides. Over the centuries, farming animals has become vital…

What Should Be Inside a Chicken Coop? Essential Guide

Inside a chicken coop

Whether you’re a seasoned farmer or a backyard poultry enthusiast, creating the right environment for your chickens is paramount to their health, productivity, and overall well-being. Understanding their needs is important, and in this guide, we will take you through the fundamental needs…