Animals & Biodiversity

Do Whales Have Teeth?

Do whales have teeth?

While toothed whales, including orcas and belugas, are equipped with teeth for grasping and tearing prey, baleen, such as humpbacks and blue whales, utilize a completely different mechanism—baleen plates—to sieve minute food particles from the ocean. This distinction shows the…

Do Whales Have Hair?

Do Whales Have Hair?

An interesting fact about whales, particularly baleen species, is that they have hair! Hairs on baleen bodies have a sparse and sometimes almost invisible distribution. These hairs are residual traits from their ancestors and are believed to serve sensory functions.…

What Do Orcas Eat?

What do Orcas eat?

Orcas, or killer whales, have a top position in the ocean’s food chain. They prey on various species, from fish to large whales. Each pod of orcas has developed unique hunting strategies based on its specific dietary needs and the…

Why Do Whales Spout Water?

Whale spouting

Water spouting is a characteristic made possible by the blowhole, an anatomical feature of whales positioned on the top of their head. Whales are mammals that can breathe. Because they can breathe but live in the water, they have adapted…

Are Whales Mammals? From Land to Ocean

Are Whales mammals?

Yes, whales are indeed mammals. They share several critical characteristics with other mammals, such as regulating their body temperature, giving birth to live young, and nourishing their offspring with milk. Whales breathe air through blowholes and give birth to fully…

Why Do Whales Get Struck by Ships?

Whales Get Struck by Ships

As marine traffic continues to expand, overlapping busy shipping routes with whales’ migratory paths often results in fatal encounters. The increasing incidence of whales being struck by ships raises questions about the adequacy of current maritime navigation practices and the…